Ganga Falls, Ganga Greenways, cycle, walk nature trail in NCR Delhi
A fulfilling and relaxing weekend on Ganga’s Eye candy – Spend time in roaring waters of 12 feet of waterfalls, feel the spray, walk down into the falls and ramp. Enjoy the heritage water wheel, water mill (Pan Chakki), cycle, run or walk along the waterways 10 kms and soak in that “spiritual feeling” at Chota Haridwar’s Ganga ghats with clean cool waters coming from the Himalayas at 250,000 liters per second.
Saving the lifeline of Delhi NCR…
We have witnessed the Yamuna and the Hindon become toxic & unsuitable for life over the years due to neglect. But somehow, the flowing natural mountain water from the Himalayas which traverses through the NCR as Ganga Canal survives, thus needs to be preserved in the interest of public health of citizens as it offers quality water for both urban and rural areas.
To protect & conserve this precious water-resource and to ensure quality water-security for NCR region, we have undertaken various initiatives since past few years; mobilizing locals and involving them as stakeholders in its conservation.
To deliver upon Inclusive Local Actions, we have mentored local rural people & youth along the Ganga Canal region in NCR towards the cause of preservation; making them aware about its properties and importance for their own-wellbeing while creating livelihood opportunities in the form of rural tourism, eco heritage culture, cold milled flours and working on fresh water fisheries thus trying to bridge the inequality in line with the sustainable development goals for delivering upon creating sustainable inclusive communities.
For more information, please visit Gangavahini page.

Chhota Haridwar
Located in Delhi NCR, about 40 kms from central Delhi on the highway are ghats on the Upper Ganga Canal (UGC), bringing about 250,000 litres/sec. Himalayan waters from Haridwar. Ghat’s head priest of the ghat reiterates its original name “Ganga ki Dhara”
Pan Chakki
An engineering marvel preserved by ASI, this century old mill lies on the Ganga Greenways.. The water mill is still in function and cyclists can take a break and observe the water mill in action.
Ganga Waterfalls
The scenic ganga falls towards the end of your journey is the highlight of Ganga Waterways. Come and experience it with us.
Catch a glimpse on YouTube
Corporate organizations may contact Green Shakti foundation to organize cycle rises/ visit which can also include Ganga Sewa like cleaning of the ghats or River ranching – releasing thousands of tiny fishes to preserve the ecology.