Green Shakti Foundation

Dedicated towards “SAVE BLUE, GO GREEN & DONATE RED”. Preserving NCR’s Ganga waterways through youth inclusion, sustainable livelihoods, lifestyle options for better health & happiness. Our “Ganga Vahini” healthy volunteers are also committed blood “Donor on Call”. Applied Research on Environment and Health.

Green Shakti Foundation Initiatives

Ganga Vahini

Dedicated to Ganga waters preservation in NCR Delhi for Public health through science in society, Rural tourism, Sustainable livelihoods like clean vegetables, fisheries etc.


Promoting cycling in Delhi NCR to raise healthy individuals and create a cohesive atmosphere in the society


Helping people in need by matching them with healthy donors through our app

Save Blue

To restore blue-green waters and blue skies, Green Shakti Foundation has taken actions since 2014. Since 70 percent of body is water, it is imperative to preserve the only surviving Himalyan “river” in NCR, the Ganga canal waterways and prevent another it from becoming another Yamuna.

First step was to connect citizens to their waters through rural and spiritual tourism and traversing the waterways on cycles. The design of heritage structures (waterfalls, water wheel, water mill, navigation channel etc.) were narrated and the magical old world charm of 1850s was created.

Economics of ecology by connecting waters with sustainable livelihoods like tourism, water sports, vegetable farms, organic food, cold milled flour, fisheries etc. were illustrated through case studies and training workshops.

First time river ranching releasing 4,000+ tiny fishes into the waterways for safe water and food.
Workshop and awareness on potential of clean water veggies compared to those grown in toxic waters.

Cycle tours for corporate were conducted successfully to boost the rural economy.

World class IT company personnel became aware of their water resources, led ghats cleaning drive.
There was 100% compliance at the Chota Haridwar Ganga ghats in NCR. The crowds immersed idols only in the designated pond filled with Ganga waters.
Same as ganpati The main canal waters did not get idol immersions. Possibilities of some offerings from rituals may have come from upstream.
During this shutdown, the river reveals itself, the abuse of year round on its waters and aqua life, impacting human life itself !

Campaigns were conducted at Ganga ghats at Chhota Haridwar during major festivals like Ganpati immersion, Durga and Chhat puja etc. to ensure compliance of idol immersion only in designated pond and ghats used for bathing only. Drones were used along with local administration and head priest for monitoring resulting in good compliance.

World Environment day at India Habitat Centre for NCR urban and rural stakeholders.
Connected youth on both banks to their waters, its properties, eco ecology potential.
Eco pledge by locals and visitors present, spiritual connect to these waters as well.

River ranching was carried out by releasing thousands of tiny fishes to keep waters clean and add to food security.

First time river ranching releasing 4,000+ tiny fishes into the waterways for safe water and food.

Go Green

Promoting cycle rides to work and schools, which as per an IIT study saves more than 250,000 liters of fuel daily and improves air quality. Leading news channels like NDTV, CNN-TV18 etc. have covered these on prime time panel discussions.

Petition signed by corporate citizens for NGT to restore Yamuna.

Weekend rides were also conducted to connect citizens to their heritage including rivers. Using biosensor based meters, data of more than 500 cyclists revealed that regular cycling improve hemoglobin 1 to 2 points which is a collateral health benefit of cycling.

Donate Red

The cyclists and runners from Delhi NCR are on the GPS based app “Donor on call” which has saved thousands of lives mainly that of rural and poor children from all over India.

Petition signed by corporate citizens for NGT to restore Yamuna.

We also focus on sustainable donor health through nature connect, cycling, yoga, running etc. for improved mental and physical health (video on home page). Safe blood is essential and we hence screen for permanent diseases and temporary ones for restriction period like in antibiotics, dengue, jaundice etc. A record of donor’s donation and Hemoglobin level can be maintained in the app too. The app beta version launched around March 2017 is based on learning’s since 2014.


Soumitra Dutta, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

The work you are leading is very interesting and important for India. Quality of life is a very important context and as you know many governments and organizations are choosing to focus on it.

Dr Geeta Jotwani, Deputy Director General Indian Council of Medical Research

Excellent Work !

Naresh Gupta, M.D. Maulana Azad Medical College

I wish this healthy endeavor all my best… and whatever I can do for your activity. I am not much into cycling, but into running. So if some of you are also into this, will see you in the Delhi Half Marathon. Just curious to know who is the hematology oncologist in the group!!!!

Green Shakti Foundation in the Media